The Knight on the bull with the TV
antenna on his helmet on page 46 came from a very artistic
magazine called Horseshit and put out by two brothers from Long
Beach. I don't remember their names. Wonderful magazine.
Occupant: Eris told Mal² what to use and where to find it.
Hill: Yeah, in a way that is right. That is why my name does not
appear anywhere on the Principia and why it was published with a
broken copyright--Reprint What You Like. I knew I was taking
liberties and didn't want my intentions to be misunderstood. It was
an experiment and was intended to be an underground work and
that involves a different set of ethics than commercial work.
Gypsie: There are no real names at all?
Hall: Oh, some. Camden Benares is a real name because he legally
changed his original name to his Holy Name. Also, instead of using
Mordecai Malignatus I used Bob Wilson's real name on page 12
because Werewolf Bridge was a work before Discordianism. And of
course real people like Neils Bohr crop up in quotes.
Gypsie: What do you think about the Principia now? Would you
want to change it?
Hill: I consider it a successful work and I wouldn't want to change it.
In some ways it is immature and I am not the same person I was 10
years ago, but it accomplished the objectives I set for myself and it
has the effect I wanted it to have. There are a few errors though.
Gypsie: Like what?
Hill: Oh, I changed a quote from Tom Gnostic on page 61 and I don't
think he ever did forgive me for it. He's right. Starbuck's Pebbles
should have been preceded by the Myth of Starbuck which was
being saved for something else and never got used. I should have
used it when I had the chance. And then Eris did a neat little trick on
me by having IBM make the Greek selectric typewriter element not
coincide with all the characters on their keyboard. So the little
"kallisti" that appears on the title page and lastly on the back cover
came out "kallixti" and I was too dumb to know the difference.
Gypsie: Will there ever be a Fifth Edition?
Hill: There already is a Fifth Edition, by Mal². It is a one page
telegram that reduces everything to an infinite aum. I found it at
Western Union where a machine got stuck and kicked out hundreds
of pages of nothing but m's. He made it the Fifth Edition and then