With the help of a Chaosopher's Stone I found the Goddess Eris
Discordia in my pineal gland (on Cosmic Channel Number Five) and ever
since I have known the answers to all the mysteries of metaphysics,
metamystics, metamorhpics, metanoiacs and metaphorics. (Before
that I didn't even know how to install a plastic trash can liner so it
wouldn't fall down inside the first time somebody threw away
You, too can activate your pineal gland simply by reciting the
entire contents of this book upon awakening each morning, rubbing
sandalwood paste between your eyes each evening upon retiring, banging
your forehead against the ground five times a day, refraining from harming
cockroaches and meditating (defined as sitting around waiting for
good luck).
When your pineal gland finally lights up you will never again, as
long as you live, have to relax.
Eris Discordia will solve all your problems and She will expect you
in return to solve all Her problems. In these very pages you will learn
about converting infidels. Later on, you will be taught how to annoy
heretics. You will also be required to resolve Zen-like riddles, such as:
If Jesus was Jewish, then why did he have a Puerto Rican name?
Once you become adept at leaning on backsliders, you will qualify
for a calling. Maybe you will be a Chaosopher (who delivers commentaries on
chaos) or perhaps, instead, a Chaoist (who goes around stirring up chaos)
or, perchance, a Knower (who knows better than to do either one).
But under no circumstances may you become a Prophet. We don't
intend to jepordize our nonprophet status.
What we lack in Prophets, however, we make up for in Saints. Only a
Pope may canonize a Saint, but every man, woman and child on this planet is
a genuine and authorized Pope (genuine and authorized by the House of the
Apostles of Eris). So you can ordain yourself - and anyone or anything else
- a Saint.
Times weren't always so easy. When in 1968 I first declared myself
a Saint, Gregory Hill said, "That's impossible," insisting, "Only dead
people can be Saints," adding, "and fictional characters," guessing, "You
are neither one."
But it happened that, although I was no longer a believer, I was
still on the membership roles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints. So Greg was too late. Me and all the other Mormons were already
Saints - and some of us living ones - no matter what he said.