Personal FAQ This page only exists by popular request so don't blame me ! Q - What is your real name. A - If I told you and you started using it, noone would know who
you were referring to. Everyone calls me Mac so why don't you do likewise. Q - Are you called Mac because you are Scottish A - Yes and No. I am Scottish, born & brought up there, but Mac is a contraction of McIntosh and is a nick name I was given at age 7. Q - Why is your picture not on your home page A - I don't have a decent electronic pic of me yet - and when I do
it will still not be on my home page but will be linked from here. Q - What happened to the archive of Cory's Weather Reports A - I still have them. If you want a copy then e-mail me & I'll send a zip. Q - Are you the 'Mac' that I know A - Beats me. Drop me a line and ask ! Q - Interests ? A - Bike - I run a Honda 2000 Fireblade (I have had a GPZ500S, a VFR750FR, VFR 800 & a 96 'blade) |